Ultrapure Water: Industry Focus Ultrapure Water: Industry Focus

Ultrapure Water: Industry Focus

CN leverages its deep understanding of water system design, strong execution experience and world-class water technology to help organizations address the stringent purity requirements, sensitivity to environmental factors, high energy consumption, rigorous maintenance needs, and regulatory compliance demands of Ultrapure water systems

Ultrapure Water: Industry Focus


Compliant, cost effective & sustainable

Producing and maintaining ultrapure water (UPW) systems at industrial scales involves navigating several critical factors - including stringent quality control. feed water quality issues, continuous monitoring, handling operational risks and adherence to regulatory standards. This makes UPW systems extremely challenging to install and manage.

CN Water specializes in overcoming these challenges with 30+ years of expertise in water system design, process engineering, integration and maintenance. Our UPW system solutions combine cutting-edge water technology, a robust lifecycle management approach and digital technology to help deliver and manage world-class UPW systems at lowest TCO.

Pharma Water: Industry Focus


Ultrapure water (UPW) is a critical component for cleaning, rinsing, and surface preparation, in the manufacturing of consumer electronics and integrated circuits (ICs).

The consistent use of UPW in manufacturing processes enhances product quality, improves yield rates, and reduces defects, while helping meeting stringent performance standards and customer expectations.

At the same time, UPW systems in electronics manufacturing require meticulous maintenance and continuous management of operational parameters to sustain peak performance. They also need to adhere to rigorous environmental and safety standards.

Global Pharma and Formulations


The semiconductor industry in India is witnessing rapid expansion fueled by rising consumer electronics demand and advancements in technology. This growth underscores the critical role of ultrapure water (UPW) in semiconductor manufacturing, where it is indispensable for processes like wafer cleaning and chip fabrication.

UPW systems must maintain ultra-high purity levels to mitigate contaminants that could jeopardize chip reliability and yield. The energy-intensive nature of UPW production and stringent regulatory requirements add layers of complexity.

It is imperative for semiconductor manufacturers to collaborate with UPW partners with expertise in designing, implementing, and maintaining UPW systems at scale. This strategic approach not only ensures operational excellence but also leverages the deep local understanding of source water challenges to solve problems at the design stage itself.

Bulk Drugs and API

Clean Energy

UPW systems play a foundational role in photovoltaic (PV) solar panel manufacturing and green hydrogen production. In PV solar, UPW is essential to ensure surface quality of silicon wafers. In green hydrogen production through electrolysis, UPW serves as a high-purity feedstock for uninterrupted operations.

UPW systems consume large volumes of water for manufacturing PV solar panels and producing green hydrogen. Also, the water purity standards are among the highest across industries - which demands advanced filtration and treatment processes. Effective management of these challenges requires robust technological solutions and constant monitoring to ensure operational reliability.

Optimizing system efficiency and longevity while reducing resource consumption is crucial for sustainability. It requires strong collaborations with leading water system experts, to optimize energy usage in UPW production and explore sustainable water recycling practices.
